Kansas City Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Kansas City Motorcycle Accident Attorney

A Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer at Northland Injury Law has many years of expertise in fully representing those injured or killed in motorcycle collisions.

At Northland Injury Law, we are committed to helping those who are victims of Motorcycle Accident injuries. We have recovered millions of dollars for our injured clients. Located in the Northland of Kansas City, we have a combined 50 years of experience and provide legal services throughout Missouri. If our Motorcycle Accident Lawyer can help you, call us now for a FREE CONSULTATION at 816-400-4878 or send an email to: [email protected].


Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Kansas City

Motorcycle accidents may be less common than passenger car accidents, but they happen for many of the same reasons. However, motorcycles are smaller than most other vehicles and, therefore, more vulnerable to collisions in certain situations. The majority of the motorcycle accidents reported in the Kansas City area happen because of driver negligence, which can take many possible forms.

Negligence” is the legal term used to define a party’s failure to use reasonable care in a given situation or their failure to meet a specific duty of care in a situation. For example, if a driver is distracted by their phone behind the wheel, it is a violation of their duty of care to operate their vehicle attentively. Some of the most common examples of negligence responsible for motorcycle accidents include speeding, moving violations, and distracted driving.

It’s also possible for a motorcycle accident to happen because of illegal misconduct behind the wheel, the most common examples of which include reckless driving and intoxicated driving. When a driver causes an accident by breaking the law, they not only face liability for the damages they cause to others but also criminal prosecution. Their penalties in sentencing would increase if they caused great bodily harm or death with their actions.

Success with any motorcycle accident claim in Kansas City will require proving fault for the accident. You will need to identify the party or parties you believe caused the accident, and then you must prove exactly how they caused it. This can be done by securing various forms of physical and digital evidence, and your attorney can help secure witness testimony from anyone who saw the accident happen.

Safety Risks of Motorcycles

Even the most experienced and cautious motorcyclists cannot always predict how others might behave on the road, and it is vital for every rider to know the unique safety risks that motorcycles present. First and foremost, a motorcycle offers its rider no physical protection in an accident. While an enclosed passenger vehicle has airbags, seatbelts, and a vehicle frame designed to absorb impact, a motorcycle has none of these features.

Second, it is likely that when a motorcycle accident happens, the victim will not only sustain injuries from the primary impact of another vehicle hitting them but also from the secondary impact of them hitting the ground. This secondary impact can be devastating at high speeds, and even the highest quality helmets and safety gear can only mitigate injuries, not prevent them entirely.

Finally, motorcycles are smaller than most other vehicles on the road, making visibility a safety risk in periods of low visibility, in heavy traffic congestion, and in areas with lots of merging traffic. Motorcyclists can only do so much to make themselves more visible to other motorists, so they are especially vulnerable to distracted drivers.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim for a Motorcycle Accident

Missouri follows the fault rule for vehicle accidents, meaning the driver at fault for causing an accident absorbs liability for the resulting damages they cause to others. Proving fault will be an essential first step in your recovery from any vehicle accident, and once you prove fault, you can file a claim against the at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy. Every driver is required to have auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum coverage requirements.

Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult because they will generally push back against claims whenever and however they can. You should expect resistance to your claim in some way, and it is never wise to assume that an insurance carrier has your interests at heart. It is always advisable to consult a Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer before filing your claim or discussing a claim settlement with an insurance company representative.

Your attorney can ensure that your claim is processed in good faith and that the insurance company delivers a fair settlement offer. If you believe an insurance carrier has acted in bad faith, your attorney can explain your options for resolving the situation effectively. If you are unable to fully recover all your damages through insurance alone, you will need to file a personal injury claim to recover the rest of your damages.

Recovering With a Personal Injury Suit

The objective of a personal injury claim is to prove fault for your damages, hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions, and secure compensation for your losses. Once you have proven liability for your accident, your Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer can help gather proof of all the damages they caused, maximizing your recovery. The average person is unlikely to uncover the extent of their claimable damages without legal counsel.

In Missouri, it is possible for the plaintiff in a personal injury case to seek full repayment of any economic damages they suffered because of the defendant’s negligence or misconduct. These damages may include vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, and lost wages if their injuries prevent them from working. Additionally, the plaintiff may claim compensation for the pain and suffering they experienced because of the defendant’s actions.

It may sound hard to assign a monetary value to physical pain and psychological distress, but your attorney can help determine a fair amount that suits the severity of your situation. The defendant is liable for the physical pain and psychological trauma you experienced because of the accident they caused, and if you suffered any life-changing injuries, you could secure a sizeable amount of pain and suffering compensation from a successful personal injury claim.

Success with your personal injury claim in Kansas City is far more likely when you have legal representation on your side. The right attorney can provide guidance and support through every stage of your claim, from gathering evidence to prove fault to helping you file an auto insurance claim and resolving a personal injury suit against the defendant. Northland Injury Law strives to help every client we represent secure the maximum compensation possible under state law.

Important Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident in Kansas City

The first things you do immediately following a motorcycle accident can have a tremendous impact on your recovery. If you are severely injured, you may have no choice but to wait for first responders to arrive and help you. If you are able to move, do so very carefully and remember the following steps to ensure you can proceed with your recovery efforts.

Call The Police

It is crucial for you to obtain certain information at the time of your accident. Call the police and file an accident report. This will help determine who was at fault in the accident and document the facts for court.

Exchange Insurance Information

You should always exchange insurance information with the other party and take photos of the vehicles and the scene when possible. Witnesses can be crucial to your case, so get names and phone numbers of anyone who saw the accident. This should be adhered to in all types of accidents, from minor fender benders to dangerous truck accident cases.

Seek Medical Attention

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident with another car that is the fault of someone else’s negligence, your first step is to seek medical attention for any injuries sustained.

Call a motorcycle accident lawyer

Next, you need to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer who is well qualified to represent you and get results. We have successfully handled these types of cases, and helped plaintiffs get compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other costs.

When you are involved or injured in a motorcycle accident, contact your motorcycle accident lawyer before speaking with insurance company representatives. Often, the insurance company is looking for any way to avoid responsibility on the part of their driver or to make a cheap, quick settlement. Your motorcycle accident lawyer can advise you on what action to take and other information you need to know to ensure you are justly compensated for your injuries.

Why is contacting a Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer so vital to the outcome of your case? Your lawyer will immediately conduct an investigation, locate witnesses, and preserve evidence that is crucial to your case. He will also help you deal with insurance companies and protect your legal rights.

Many people believe that their insurance companies will thoroughly cover any costs incurred by a motorcycle accident, but the opposite is true. Insurance companies want to limit the amount of compensation you get so that they don’t have to pay out a lot of money. We will fight aggressively to ensure you get justice, and all the money you are entitled to.

You, as the injured party in a motorcycle collision, have the burden of proving negligence on the part of the party responsible. Reputable and well qualified accident attorneys will have the expertise it takes to examine every shred of evidence, pinpoint the legal basis for the claim and prove that you, as the plaintiff, are entitled to every penny of compensation you are seeking.

When it comes to Missouri motorcycle accidents, you should not choose legal representation from an attorney who lacks in experience and the skills needed to win your case. Choose a Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer who has a proven track record and years of experience representing motorcycle accident victims. The trial lawyers at Northland Injury Law will fight aggressively for your rights and apply our knowledge in and out of the courtroom to make sure you get every bit of the compensation you deserve.

We are motorcycle accident lawyers. If you have been in an accident, you need a motorcycle accident injury lawyer. We have represented several motorcycle accident claims and want to help you if you have been injured.


What Are Commonly Reported Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

A: A few of the most commonly reported motorcycle accident injuries in Kansas City are traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and friction burns from sliding on asphalt, commonly referred to as road rash. Many motorcycle accident victims sustain multiple serious injuries from their accidents, and they are often left facing expensive medical bills and long, difficult recoveries.

Q: Can I Claim Damages if I’m Partially Liable for a Motorcycle Crash?

A: You can still claim damages if you are partially liable for a motorcycle crash, but there will be a penalty to reflect your shared fault. The state operates on a pure comparative negligence rule, so any fault a plaintiff bears for an accident will be represented by a fault percentage, and they will lose this percentage of their award. Consult your Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer if you have any concerns about bearing partial fault for your accident.

Q: What Should I Do if the At-Fault Driver Denies Liability?

A: If the at-fault driver denies liability for your motorcycle accident, you will need the help of an experienced Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer to prove fault. They can help secure various types of evidence to support your claim, such as recordings from traffic cameras in the vicinity of the accident, testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen, and digital evidence like vehicle computer data and cell phone records.

Q: Can I Sue a Motorcycle Manufacturer for an Accident in Kansas City?

A: You could sue a motorcycle manufacturer for an accident in Kansas City if their motorcycle was defective and that defect caused the accident. This would be a product liability claim, and to succeed with this type of civil suit, you would need to prove that the motorcycle is indeed defective in some way. You are more likely to succeed with this type of claim if you have legal representation on your side.

Q: What Is the Total Value of My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

A: The total value of your motorcycle accident claim will depend on the severity of your damages. The defendant who caused the accident is liable for your property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and your pain and suffering. You may be entitled to more of a recovery than you initially realize, but you will need an attorney’s help to accurately assess the extent of the damages you can include in your claim.

These are only a few of the most common questions we hear about motorcycle accident cases. You can also rely on us to answer any other questions you may have about your legal options following an accident in Kansas City.

We can answer questions such as:

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident with another car that is the fault of someone else’s negligence, your first step is to seek medical attention for any injuries sustained. Next, you need to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer who is well qualified to represent you and get results. We have successfully handled these types of cases, and helped plaintiffs get compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other costs.

You have a limited time to pursue your recovery following your accident, so it is vital to connect with a Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyer you trust as quickly as possible after receiving medical attention for your injuries.

Get it touch with a motorcycle accident lawyer Today or call at 816-400-4878 for a FREE Consultation.

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