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What if the other driver was uninsured in Missouri?

Auto accidents happen to even the safest of drivers. One minute, you can be driving down the road, heading home from work or out running errands, and in the next you could be involved in a potentially serious accident resulting in injuries that can be severe and life-threatening.

At Northland Injury Law, our Kansas City car accident lawyer has extensive experience in handling these types of cases, and we understand the impact they can have on every area of your life. Your injuries may require ongoing medical care and treatment, while preventing you from working or even enjoying hobbies and social activities with those you love.

Although every case is different, the following are among the most frequently asked auto accident questions we hear from our clients.

  • What if the other driver was uninsured?
    • In many cases, the driver who caused your injuries has car insurance that will pay for the injuries and damages you suffered. Under the Missouri Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law, the minimum amount of insurance that a person is required by law to have is $25,000.00 per person and $50,000 per occurrence. This insurance is required to make sure that an injured person has the opportunity to recover for his/her damages.
    • In some cases, a driver does not have car insurance. In those situations, you can make a claim for the uninsured motor benefits of your car insurance. Your rates should not increase for making this claim because the accident was not your fault. Car accident attorneys Steve Mowry and Eric Bartlett encourage their clients to have the highest amount of insurance coverage that their family can afford to prevent losses in situations such as this.

Let Us Get Started on Your Missouri Case Today

If you or someone you care about has been seriously injured in an auto accident, contact Northland Injury Law today. We provide the comprehensive, professional legal representation you deserve at a time when you need it most.

Call us at 816-400-4878 or contact our office online today to schedule a free consultation.

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