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Kansas City Teen Dead After Memorial Day Weekend Crash

As Northland personal injury lawyers in Kansas City, we constantly encounter clients who sustain personal injuries when involved in car accidents. As fathers first and then attorneys, it is important for us to promote teen driver safety.

A Kansas City, Kansas crash left one teen dead over the Memorial Day weekend. Police say high speeds were a contributing factor. The crash occurred Monday morning on State Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets. KCK Police say that a total of six people were injured in the two-car crash.

The crash occurred at 4 a.m. Monday morning, the teens driving were traveling at a high rate of speed headed westbound when they struck another vehicle that was attempting a left turn at a traffic light. The car containing the teenagers then struck a utility pole. Five of the six victims in the crash were ejected from their vehicles.

One teen passed away from her injuries on Wednesday.

Always buckle up, put your phone down, and be aware of other motorists.

If you or a loved one have suffered accident injuries in a car accident call Northland Injury Law at 816-400-4878 to speak to a Missouri automobile accident lawyer today for help in recovering the compensation you need. An experienced personal injury attorney can ease some of the burden by engaging in fact-finding, gathering the necessary documentation, and crafting concise and thorough demands for settlement of your claim.

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