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Highway Patrol urges safety as Memorial Day Weekend comes to an end


“The rainy weather pattern has had a huge impact on the lake, on the quality of the water, on the debris in the water,” said Cpl. Stacey Mosher of the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

Debris like tree limbs, branches and other brush that is normally always in the Lake of the Ozarks has increased, making it dangerous for boaters.

“The amount of debris is really creating a lot of hazards,” Mosher said.

However, that did discourage many boaters from heading out onto the water – many for the first time since last year.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol says as of Monday, they’ve made over 20 arrests for drunk driving and boating, and have issued several citations for different safety infractions on the lake.

“I’d say the boating while intoxicated arrests are pretty level with what we’d expect during a holiday weekend,” Mosher added.

The Highway Patrol’s website shows three injuries this weekend on the lake of the Ozarks, all related to jet ski accidents. While there were serious injuries, everyone is expected to live.

But, there haven’t been many boating accidents reported to troopers so far this weekend. Corporal Stacey Mosher thinks that’s because of the amount of debris in the lake discouraging people from boating after sunset.

“People can’t see the debris in the lake, so our nighttime boating traffic has really dropped off,” Mosher said.

While everyone will be getting their boats off the water in the coming hours, troopers are reminding you to take it slow.

“Just get that speed down so it doesn’t cause damage to you or end up throwing somebody from your boat overboard,” Mosher added.

The reporting period for the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend ends at 6:00 p.m. Monday. Troopers say exact numbers of arrests and other incidents will be released Tuesday morning.

Anyone injured in a boating accident caused by the fault of another driver may have a legal right to seek compensation from that at-fault driver’s insurance company. It’s a good idea to have a knowledgeable personal injury attorney review the specifics of the accident and explain your legal options. Call Northland Injury Law at 816-400-4878 to speak to a Missouri boat accident lawyer today for help in recovering the compensation you need. An experienced personal injury attorney can ease some of the burden by engaging in fact-finding, gathering the necessary documentation, and crafting concise and thorough demands for settlement of your claim.

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